4-H Record Book Pages

You may have to change your top and bottom margin to .5 and delete some hard returns or hard pages depending on your computer set-up if you use these pages in Word.  The PDF files you can type directly in the form, then save to your computer and/or print the document for your record book.  If you have any questions call the Extension Office at 608-723-2125.

4-H Record Book Cover (Use your original cover from year to year.  New cover for first year members.) Writable pdf
4-H Record Book Guidelines (List of forms needed in Record Book) pdf
4-H Project Record Information (List of Record Sheets and Financial Record Sheets needed in your Record Book) pdf
4-H Member Evaluation & Activity Summary Writable pdf Word
My 4-H Activity Story (Activities you took part in) Writable PDF Word
Cloverbud Record Book (K, 1 and 2 grades only) pdf
4-H Members Project Record Sheet (One per project enrolled in unless their is a specific Record Summary Page for a project.) Writable PDF Word
4-H Project Financial Record Sheet (Required for members in grade 7 and over in Horse & Pony or Crops (Vegetable/Garden) Writable pdf Word
4-H Permanent Record Sheet (Record all your club meeting, officer duties, projects, speeches, demonstrations, music, club activities and community services, etc.  This form is to remain in Record Book year-to-year.) Writable PDF Word
Overall Record Book Check Sheet 3-5  (Leaders will use this form at the end of the year for checking Record Books.) pdf
Overall Record Book Check Sheet 6-8  (Leaders will use this form at the end of the year for checking Record Books.) pdf
Overall Record Book Check Sheet 9 & Over  (Leaders will use this form at the end of the year for checking Record Books.) pdf
Financial Record Sheet (See document for all projects listed requiring this form (Required only for members in grade 7 and over in the listed projects) Writable pdf Word
Beef, Sheep & Swine Record Summary (Required for members in grade 7 and over) Writable pdf Word
Ceramics Record Summary (Required for members in grade 7 and over) Writable pdf Word
Crop Record Summary (Required for members in grade 7 and over) Writable PDF Word
Dairy Record Summary (Required for members in grade 7 and over) Writable PDF Word
Lifetime Dairy Record (Required for members in grade 7 and over) Writable PDF Word
Dog Project Record Summary (Required for members in grade 7 and over) Writable PDF Word
Grant County Jr. Leader Achievement Requirements PDF
Grant County Jr. Leader Project Record Sheet (Required for members in  4-H Junior Leaders) Writable PDF
Goat Record Summary (Required for members in grade 7 and over) Writable PDF Word
Photography Record Summary (For all photography members) Writable PDF Word
Photography Checklist PDF
Rabbit & Poultry Record Summary (Required for members in grade 7 and over) Writable PDF Word
Scale Model Financial Form (Required for members in grade 7 and over) Writable pdf Word
Clothing Record Summary (For all clothing members) Writable pdf Word
Foods Record Summary (For all foods members) Writable pdf Word


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