Building Knowledge–Research & Publications

Social Media Trends & Techniques for Small Business, Organizations, and Local Governments (April 2016)

Many small businesses, local governments, and organizations seek a social media presence. But social media can be a challenge for many. Kristin Runge, MS, Community Marketing Specialist with UW Extension, provides relevant and actionable information about basic social media use and insights into social media management tools to simplify the social media process for lean organizations.

Social Media Facts by Kristin Runge (April 2016)

Social Media Handout (April 2016)

Business Succession Planning for Downtown & Small Businesses (March 2016)

Business Succession Planning (March 2016) Presentation by Attorney Erin Ogden

Business succession planning may be important to retain vibrant businesses in downtowns and small communities. But business succession planning takes time. The presentation addressed types of business entities, primary methods for transitioning businesses (mergers, acquisitions, cooperatives, etc.), and next steps.

A Preliminary Analysis of Tourism Impact in Grant County, WI

A Preliminary Analysis of Tourism Impact in Grant County, WI (March 2016)

A long-term perspective on tourism-impact trends in Grant County, WI, using available data. Analyzes “tourism impact” computer model estimates, location quotient, and indexes related to tourism in Grant County, Wisconsin, over a 20 to 40 year period.

2015 First Impressions Program—Princeton and Cuba City

During the Summer of 2015, Princeton, WI, (Green Lake County) and Cuba City, WI, (Grant County) engaged in a First Impressions Community Exchange. Each community coordinated a “secret-shopper” visit to the exchange community and completed an exhaustive survey of the community. Each community then prepared a report for the other community.

2015 First Impressions Visit to Princeton, WI (prepared by Cuba City)

2015 A First Impressions Trip to Cuba City (prepared by Princeton)

Revitalizing Communities Today

2016-01-30 Boscobel Chamber Presentation
Presentation on the changing nature of economic development, the enhanced role of community development as a pre-cursor to talent attraction, creative community, recreation, and local foods initiatives (January 2016)

Start the Presses: Using Press Releases for Community Communications (Nov. 2015)

2015 Press Release Media Contacts List — Grant County, Wisconsin

2015 10 Core Press Release Tips

Start the Presses Slide Show Presentation on Press Releases PDF

Grant County Preliminary Hotel Room Tax Analysis (2015)

Preliminary Analysis: Grant County Hotel Room Tax (Rev.2, August 2015)

Using data obtained from the Department of Revenue, the simple report analyses the basic patterns of Hotel Room Tax collections in Grant County, Wisconsin, from 1995 to 2014. Published August 2015 by Shannon Brown.

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