4-H Forms

Scroll down to see the following forms and click the blue PDF or Word links to open these forms. The Writable PDF form gives you the capability to fill out the document on your computer, save it and print or email.  If you have trouble opening a form please contact the Extension Office at 608-723-2125.

4-H Enrollment Registration Deadline
4-H Enrollment/ 4hOnline Website

The 4-H year begins October 1 and ends September 30.
All members and leaders must re-enroll each 4-H year in order to continue 4-H membership.
4-H Enrollment deadlines are:

December 1 in order to receive newsletters and information in the new year.

April 1 to show at Grant County Fair within the current 4-H year.

4-H Endowment Fund Brochure
WI 4-H Foundation
4-H Brochure

Scholarships and Grants

    • 4-H Scholarship (coming soon)

Grant County Fair Beef Identification


4-H Forms Information
Supplies Reimbursement Form Supplies Form
2024 – 2025 4-H Ambassador Team Info Letter
Recommendation Form
Support Extension