Building Better Communities–Community Development

Cuba City Downtown 2015
Cuba City Downtown

How do we make communities interesting, successful, and attractive places where people and businesses thrive in the New Economy?

Community development provides answers and actions to address this complex question. Farmers markets, vibrant downtown shops, high-speed internet, nice restaurants, cafes, music downtown, local foods, downtown grocers, attractive sidewalk-areas and street-scapes, community gardens, livable housing, walkable downtowns, bicycle paths, running paths, and parks all underlie modern economic development—where successful communities must now attract talent and skills to sustain and build robust local economies.

The University of Wisconsin Extension provides powerful tools and resources for Community Vitality & Placemaking, strategic planning, organizational development, and leadership training to foster  economic development in the New Economy. Contact the University of Wisconsin Extension in Grant County to discuss options for your community.

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