Crops & Farm Management

If you have any questions regarding Crops & Soils, please contact:

Jordyn Sattler
Crops & Soils Educator

Crops and Soils Educator educational programming may focus on field crop decision-making that promotes soil health and limits pest resistance.
Specific areas of interest for demonstration and field research include cover cropping, forage crop rotation, manure processing technology, and weather resiliency practices.

Regional Crops and Soils Educator, Jordyn Sattler, has recently joined Extension in January 2024. She graduated from UW-Platteville in 2013 as a double major in Agricultural Education (Non-Teaching) and Soil & Crop Science with a Plant Breeding and Genetics emphasis. Since then, she has spent most of her time working as a retail sales agronomist in Southern Wisconsin and Northern Illinois. Sattler says “I am excited to start meeting with local producers and providing resources and information that will help farms achieve their individual goals.” Please feel free to reach out to Jordyn at 608-228-0208 and by email at

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