Crops & Soils

If you have any questions regarding Crops & Soils, please contact:
Jordyn Sattler
Crops & Soils Educator
608-228-0208 or

Crops and Soils programming focuses on field crop decision-making that promotes soil health and limits pest resistance. Specific areas of interest for demonstration and field research include cover cropping, forage crop rotation, manure processing technology, and weather resiliency practices.

Predictive Equations for Alfalfa Quality (PEAQ)
Stick monitoring is conducted by the UW-Crops & Soils and Dairy Educators of Grant, Green, Iowa, and Lafayette Counties.

PEAQ is a method developed by the University of Wisconsin to provide an estimate of the relative feed value of first cutting alfalfa based on crop height and maturity.  Our goal is that this information will help forage producers and agronomy professionals track the growth and development of alfalfa in their area so they know when to check their own fields to target their preferred quality while maximizing tonnage.

Check the PEAQ Forages Monitor during the growing season for relative feed values from across our area of the state.

Badger Crop Connect Webinar Series
Timely crop updates for Wisconsin agronomists, crop consultants, and farmers. Webinars are held at 12:30pm on the second and fourth Wednesdays each month from April to October.
Sign up for Badger Crop Connect

Badger Crops & Soils Update Meetings
Annual crops & soils update meetings are held across the state to highlight UW Faculty sharing the latest agronomic, pest, and nutrient management research from the University of Wisconsin and how it can be applied to Wisconsin’s farmland.
Visit the Crops & Soils website to check meeting dates.

Focus on Forage
Webinar series highlighting research-based information and farmer strategies to optimize forage yield, quality, and profitability in Wisconsin.
Register for webinars or signup for Focus on Forage email updates.

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