
Each club will have special activities throughout the year. In addition there are countywide events that 4-H members may participate in. The listing below is only a partial listing. Many other project related activities and events are held annually. All events are listed in the ECHO newsletter.

Communications Trips & Awards Activities
County 4-H Camp Foods Revue 4-H Ambassadors
Clothing Revue Award Application Process Grant County Fair
Communication Arts Day/Vocal & Instrumental Contest Citizenship Washington Focus Trip State Fair
Speaking Contest Key Award FAIRS
Demonstration Contest Wisconsin 4-H & Youth Conference 4-H Awards Night
National 4-H Week Other State & National Awards 4-H Leaders Banquet
Officers Training International Exchanges 4-H Committee Night

County 4-H Camp – The Grant County 4-H Camp is held in the summer. The camp is held for 4 days and 3 nights. Camp is offered to 4-H members grades 3-8. Older 4-H members serve as counselors. Camp staff and adult volunteers supervise the camp. Communication Arts Day – 4-H Clubs from throughout the county prepare musical presentations and receive valuable feedback from a judge. Ribbon placings are awarded. Clubs are selected for consideration for State Fair performance.
Vocal & Instrumental Contest
– An opportunity for members to show their musical talents on an individual basis. Ribbons are awarded. Members are selected to perform at the County Music Festival.
Speaking Contest – 4-H members can participate in the speaking contest on a club level with the top winners in each category advancing to the county level speaking contest held in March at the Youth & Ag Center. A judge gives evaluative comments.
Demonstration Contest
– 4-H members throughout the county can give demonstrations on their projects or other areas of interest. Premium and ribbons are awarded, with the top individuals advancing on to State Fair.
National 4-H Week
– The first full week in October is set aside each year to recognize and promote 4-H across the country. Each year a theme highlights the week. Many of the clubs will have window displays or some special promotion of 4-H in their community. Clubs, leaders and members use this time to recruit members for the coming year.
Officer’s Training
– This is held annually for club officers to give them ideas and helpful hints about their roles and responsibilities.
Clothing Revue – Members enrolled in the clothing project can enter the Clothing Revue. Judging is held in June or July and the style show is held on Saturday evening of the County Fair. All participants must take part in both events in order to receive premium money. Participants receive ribbon placings and premium money based on the Danish system. Outstanding members are selected from the junior and senior divisions. The top older members will be selected to represent the county at the State Fair.
Foods Revue
– Youth enrolled in the Foods and Nutrition projects can enter the Foods Revue. Participants should be prepared to answer questions about the preparation, serving, and/or nutritional quality of their exhibit(s). Premiums and participation ribbons are awarded. This program is held in June or July.
Award Application Process – By investing the effort to complete an Award Application form, 4-Hers make themselves eligible to be considered for Citizenship-Washington Focus in Washington, D.C., the 4-H Key Award, the Wisconsin 4-H & Youth Conference in Madison, the and other state and national travel opportunities. Once 4-H’ers fill out the application form, it becomes easier the next year.
Citizenship Washington Focus – Trip Is conducted by the National 4-H Foundation at the National 4-H Center, Washington DC for youth grades 10-12 18 to supplement citizenship training provided by Extension. Listening, learning, sharing, receiving, caring and touring are all part of the 6-day learning experience. Visits to Capitol Hill, Government Departments, Historic Sites and Memorials to Great Americans enhance the citizenship learning experience. Scholarships are provided. CWF is an award based on the local award application process.
International Exchanges – Wisconsin 4-H challenges youth to become global citizens by offering international home stays and hosting experiences as well as intercultural workshops offered on a county, district and state level.
Key Award – The Key Award is given to outstanding 4-H members each year in grades 9-12. The Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation, Rural Insurance Companies, Growmark Inc., and Midwest Livestock Producers sponsor this important leadership award. The purpose of the Key Award is to provide special recognition to 4-H members who have shown consistent growth in their 4-H program, who have developed the leadership ability, and who have been helpful members in their club and community. Each recipient will also receive a pin, key award certificate mounted in a frame, and disc for their 4-H awards plaque. The award is based on the local ME process.
Wisconsin 4-H & Youth Conference – Youth grades 8-10 have a chance to learn from and exchange ideas with 4-H’ers from around the state and experience a supervised college setting. The award is based on the local award application process.
Other State and National Awards – Other State and National Travel Opportunities include 4-H Conference in Washington DC, or the National Institute on Cooperative Education. These opportunities are available for 4-H’ers grades 9 & over as of January 1st. These travel opportunities are thes chance of a life time. To apply members need to fill out the appropriate forms and turn it into the Extension Office by the deadline. These forms are judged at the county and state levels.
4-H Ambassadors
Grant County Fair
– A highlight every year where 4-H members have the opportunity to exhibit and display their project work. The fair, of course, is a great social event when friends and fun come together. The purpose of the fair, however, is to provide valuable evaluation to exhibitors by judges as to how their projects can be improved. Parents and leaders should help 4-H members focus on what they have learned throughout the year and congratulate them on every ribbon they earn.
 Wisconsin State Fair – Is an opportunity for members age 12 and over to exhibit their project work to a state wide audience. State Fair is held in Milwaukee during early August.
4-H Awards Night – Youth who excel in project work are given a disc for outstanding work. Special awards and club awards are presented at this event which is held in November. Only youth who complete the record book are eligible for discs.
4-H Leaders Banquet – This event recognizes adult leaders for their years of service to the Grant County 4-H program. This event is held in early October.
Committee Night – Held in September, leaders, parents and members are given the opportunity to have input on a variety of projects. Committees begin the process of fair book changes and plan and evaluate countywide events and training’s for members and leaders in a specific project.
– Following is a list of fairs, follow the links to find out more information.

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