4-H Enrollment Information

Frequently Asked Questions

How old do I need to be to join 4-H?

4-H is based off of youth’s grade.
Youth: 5-year-old-kindergardners through 13th graders (one grade after high school graduation)

Adults: Adults ages 18 and over that have completed the enrollment process which includes; online enrollment, trainings, background check.

When can I join 4-H?

The 4-H Year starts October 1 and ends September 30 of each year. To participate in the Grant County Fair, 4-H members need to be enrolled in 4-H before April 1. After April 1, please contact the Grant County Extension Office for enrollment options.

4-Hers who wish to re-enroll, will need to do so each 4-H year.

I don't live on a farm, can I still join 4-H?

YES!! 4-H has a wide variety of projects. These projects are not limited to just ag focused. There are over 100 project choices, including; Art, Cats, Ceramics, Dogs, Drawing & Painting, Jewelry Making, Sewing and many, many more. You can see the full listing of 4-H projects in the 4-H Project Guide.

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