Do you have professional quality photos that highlight recreational use of the rivers in the Grant County area?
If you do, then the Grant County Tourism Council (GCTC) wants to partner with you.
The GCTC is announcing a new three-level program designed to develop a library of professional quality photos for use in future tourism and visitor promotion efforts. Professional and amateur photographers are invited to submit quality photographs for consideration.
Compensation for photos selected will be given in exchange for granting the GCTC unrestricted non-commercial use. Photographer credit will be given for any photos used and photographers will retain ownership and all rights for any future commercial use.
Top priority will be given to photos featuring people enjoying Wisconsin and Mississippi River activities. Model releases will be required when people are identifiable.
- Level One offers $100 compensation per selected photo and requires people involvement with priority given to photos showing identifiable individuals. Files must be in RAW format, 300 ppi, and 8” x 10” minimum size.
- Level Two offers $50 compensation per selected photo and has the same requirements as Level One with the exception that people involved need not be identifiable. (No model releases required.)
- Level Three offers $10 per photo with JPEG/TIFF files being acceptable and while people involvement is preferred, it is not required. 300 ppi and 8” x 10” minimum size is required.
This program will continue until funding limits are reached.
For questions or more information please contact:
James Schneider – or 608-723-2125